FLECTION is a concert about American music, taking Samuel Barber’s iconic Adagio for Strings as a departure point. Composers Paul Fowler, Judd Greenstein, and Paul Haas go head-to-head in this event, taking the audience on a journey away from the Adagio at predetermined “points of inflection”(* in program below) and exploring musically some of the intensely different emotional and psychological reactions Americans have had to Barber’s piece in varying contexts. A paradigm shift then takes place, as each piece by Fowler, Greenstein, and Haas is heard separately from the Adagio, existing independently as a movement of a joint composition by the three composers. FLECTION ends with a final reading of Barber’s Adagio for Strings, the audience hearing the work with new ears.Program
Barber, Adagio for Strings (A)
Fowler | FLECTION 1*
Barber, Adagio for Strings (B)
Greenstein | FLECTION 2*
Barber, Adagio for Strings (C)
Haas | FLECTION 3*
Barber, Adagio for Strings (D)
Greenstein | FLECTION 4*
Barber, Adagio for Strings (E)
Fowler | FLECTION 5*
Barber, Adagio for Strings (F)
Haas | FLECTION 6*
Barber, Adagio for Strings (G)
Fowler/Greenstein/Haas | FLECTION
Barber, Adagio for Strings (Complete)
New York City
May 5 and 6, 2009 at 7:30 pm
Le Poisson Rouge
158 Bleeker Street
SymphoNYC, Chamber Orchestra
Paul Fowler, Live Electronica Artist
Paul Haas, Conductor